About Delta Dental of Illinois
Delta Dental is the largest and most experienced dental benefits carrier in the country.
The Delta Dental National System covers one-third of all Americans with dental coverage -- more than any other dental insurance carrier - making us larger than the next two largest carriers combined. We provide dental benefits to more than 97,600 groups nationwide, including more than 325 of the Fortune 1000. Delta Dental of Illinois is one of the 39 member companies that make up the Delta Dental National System. Delta Dental of Illinois offers dental benefit programs to Illinois-based groups with two or more eligible enrollees.
We provide fully-insured and administrative services only dental benefit programs to 2 million enrollees in over 5,000 groups represeting all business sectors such as hospitals, municipalities, school districts and universities, government entities, commercial businesses, labor groups and national accounts.
We also offer individual dental plans for Illinois residents who do not have access to a group dental plan. Learn more.
There are many reasons why these groups prefer DDIL. Some of these are:
Delta Dental PPO Plus Premier. Our exclusive managed fee-for-service network, Delta Dental Premier (80% of dentist locations in Illinois and nationwide participate) works in tandem with our PPO network to increase network utilization, creating enrollee cost savings no other carrier can provide. When you select Delta Dental PPO, Delta Dental Premier goes along with it, offering valuable "safety net" protection for out-of-network, out-of-pocket protection. In 2011, 84% of our clients' claim dollars were paid to network dentists.
Delta Dental's networks are the largest in the country. Delta Dental PPO has over 165,000 dentist locations nationwide. Delta Dental Premier has over 247,500 dentist locations nationwide. DeltaCare dental HMO has 36,000 dentist locations nationwide.
The "no balance billing" provisions in both Delta Dental PPO and Delta Dental Premier networks that prevent cost shifting and reduces out-of-pocket costs for many enrollees.
Our sophisticated systematic cost management mechanisms, such as the ability to prevent dentists from "unbundling" services to increase their fees, that generate plan and enrollee out-of-pocket savings. Network dentists cannot balance bill Delta Dental patients for amounts we limit or disallow based on standard of care-related determinations. These protections will impact up to 84% of Delta Dental of Illinois enrollees, as compared to only 25-40% who would receive similar protections with other dental carriers.
We offer outstanding performance and guarantee it. In 2011, we processed nearly 2,669,542 claims in an average of 1.6 work days with 99.5% processing accuracy and 99.7% financial accuracy. We answered all calls within 15 seconds and our first call resolution rate was 99.2%.
ALL administrative and client services -- claims processing, customer service, network management, financial reporting, eligibility maintenance, claim review, underwriting and billing -- are provided from our Naperville, Illinois Service Center.
All individually rated groups receive our comprehensive package of management reports, as well as ad-hoc reports at no additional charge.
Additionally, Delta Dental of Illinois has a vested interest in the community. Our mission includes improving the oral health of the communities we serve. We further this mission through the Delta Dental of Illinois Foundation, which supports groups and programs that help provide oral health education and expand access to oral health care for the people of Illinois.